Painted Corner Brushes – Friday Freebie
Here’s a painted border effect with a neat twist. First up these are paint brushes rather then a template and that means you can change the colour, opacity and use them with the Brush or Eraser tools. There’s four brushes in this set so you get one for each corners or mix and match to vary the effect.
You can download the brushes here: Painted Corners – GAVTRAIN
The brushes will work with all versions of Photoshop and Photoshop Elements however users of Photoshop CS6, CC and beyond will have the advantage of being able to increase the brush size to a maximum of 5000 pixels and getting bigger borders.
I’ve made a short video as a guide to installing the brushes and a few tips on how to use them. I hope it helps.
Usage rules
The brush set is copyright Gavin Hoey 2014. Use is limited to any personal, non-commercial purposes. Please share the Friday Freebie by linking back to this page. Do not redistribute the original action without my permission.
Download instructions
The direct link to download the actions is
You must UNZIP the action before installing it in Photoshop / PS Elements
No support is provided with the Friday Freebies. If you need help Google or YouTube the question and you’ll almost certainly find the answer 🙂
Thanks Gavin and cheers for making the video too showing how to use the brush.
When they are installed – where are they stored?
Brushes might be stored in one of a few places…
Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop XX\Presets\Brushes\
Mac OSX: Applications/Adobe Photoshop XX/Presets/Brushes/
Windows: C:/Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop XX/Presets
Mac: Users/[Username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop XX/Presets
Just replace the XX with the name of your version of Photoshop (e.g. CS6)
Thanks Gavin, all the way in Australia.
G’day Gavin.
Thank you for these painted corner brushes. I will get great enjoyment out of using these easy to use and very effective corners.
Most Sincerely
Barry from Tassie
Gavin, can you tell me how to make a logo brush that is transparent ??
When making a custom brush, Photoshop will treat anything that’s pure white as transparent.
the freebie’s are great just wish I could download them to Lightroom 6 as the pictures you create look fantastic