Posted November 22, 2012 by Gavin Hoey in Videos

Create "Art Paper" in Photoshop

Isn’t it always the way… You really want to add an art paper texture to your photos but you just don’t have the right image to hand. So what do you do?

Art PaperWell, in this video I’ll show you how to create you own art paper texture completely from scratch using nothing more then the standard filters found in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. I’ll then show you how to blend the texture and the photo together to create a couple of different looks.

You’ll notice in the video I access the filters Halftone, Water Paper and Sprayed Strokes from the Filter Gallery rather then directly from the filter menu. If you use Photoshop CS6 (as I do in this video) that’s the only way you can access these supposedly less useful filters. Photoshop CS5 and earlier can either use the filter gallery or the usual filter menu, the effect will be the same.

Gavin Hoey