Posted August 25, 2012 by Gavin Hoey in Videos

Take & Make ~ Episode 5

582727_468001846543160_1867358966_nSomehow I managed to bypass this video to the blog which wouldn’t have been right as this one was really fun to do.

Living in the UK we have a reputation for wet weather and although in reality it doesn’t really rain all that often, the weather is always a great topic of conversation for us Brits. So in this video I aimed to become the master of the weather and make it rain on command.

The rain itself came courtesy of a hose pipe and the umbrella is an old shoot through translucent brolly from my studio. Now, studio umbrellas may or may not be water proof but I wasn’t taking any risks so I covered my flash with a clear plastic bag.

My camera was well away from the hose but again I opted for the better safe then sorry approach, so my camera was protected by a Op-Tech rain sleeve… or the long plastic bag with a drawstring at one end, as I call it.

Equipment used in this video
Canon 5D Mark II
Canon 24-105mm L f/4 IS
Op/Tech 18″ SLR Rain sleeve
Manfrotto 055 Pro
Canon 580 EX ii
Canon ST-E2

Gavin Hoey